Monday, April 14, 2008

Small Feet, Big Style.

Can anybody tell me what I love most about dressing up the kids? If you mentioned shoes, you know me all too well. I know I talk about shoes, and ideal shoes, and shoes that work for us all too frequently, but you know I love love love shoes. Girls shoes WAY more than boys shoes, but I try to keep my mind open.
Medianl_2 The girls are currently sporting new Vincent shoes. I'm totally in love with both pairs of them... We have the Maja which is a perfect shoe for pretty much any occasion. It has the rugged look for a run in the park, but the prettiness for a dress at church. It's a really versatile shoe. I do have one small negative about it, the toe has a rubber pad on it. I think this was for kids who drag their toes and thereby make holes in their shoes? Not really too sure. For my kids, it caused them to trip a bit more often than usual. I thought it was just Lilley at first, but then I switched shoes and sure enough, down went Noelle. I didn't have enough of a problem with it to remove them altogether, and I also noticed that the girls seemed to adapt well to the shoe. So it didn't really bother them. Overall, it is a super adorable shoe, and I would love to have it in every color.
The second pair that we have is the Svante. Oh my! Holy Cuteness! This shoe is delightful! IMedia1nl so wish that I had gotten two pairs of this shoe... I adore it! Of course, it's not nearly as versatile as the Maja, but it's not all about the versatility. I'm not always looking for a shoe that the kids can wear to church. Honestly because more often than not, we're NOT in church. We're more often on the playground, outside running, doing fun things... I love shoes that make my life easier. These shoes are totally easy. The velcro on the strap is really full encompassing, and very sturdy too. In fact they are SO great that on Sunday, I was watching Lilley zoom down a slide at a friends house and I was thinking to myself that I should have taken pictures of her in the shoes before they got all muddy... But my friend had a good point, isn't a dirty shoe a better example of a shoe that's well loved? I must say she's right. The shoes look very loved, and they are!! I love the pattern, and really wish that Vincent offered another more girly pattern to accompany our pink flamingos...
Hands down, Vincent is still the place to be for shoes of all types and sizes... And speaking of sizes, they have the most nifty sizing chart that you can print out at home! It was totally accurate and super easy... I love accurate and easy.
For all of you who are new to the Vincent line, and would like to give it a whirl... enjoy 20% off using the coupon code SPRING-DEAL-8; this code is valid for all full-price item purchases at through April 30, 2008.
This review was brought to you courtesy of Parent Bloggers Network.

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